
How Long Does the Rabies Vaccine Last?

Rabies might not be something you think about every day, but if you’re planning a trip abroad or working with animals, it’s important to know how to stay protected.
5 min read

How Long Does the Rabies Vaccine Last?

Rabies might not be something you think about every day, but if you’re planning a trip abroad or working with animals, it’s important to know how to stay protected. At South Ealing Pharmacy, we often get asked about the rabies vaccine—how long it lasts, when you need it, and why it’s so important. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know in plain English. Let’s dive in.

What Is Rabies?

Rabies is a serious disease caused by a virus. It affects the brain and nervous system and, if not treated quickly, can be fatal. The virus is usually spread through the saliva of an infected animal, most often by bites or scratches.

While rabies isn’t something you’ll come across in the UK, it’s still a problem in other parts of the world. The scary thing about rabies is that once symptoms appear, it’s almost always deadly. But the good news is that vaccines can stop it in its tracks, and they’re very effective when given in time.

What Destinations Where Rabies Is Still Prevalent?

Rabies is most common in places where stray dogs, cats, and other animals roam freely. This includes many countries in Asia, Africa, Central and South America, and parts of Eastern Europe. If you’re heading to places like India, Thailand, or rural parts of Africa, the risk of encountering rabies is higher.

Even popular tourist destinations can pose a risk. Street dogs in Bali, monkeys near temples in India, and even bats in some countries can carry rabies. It’s important to remember that rabies isn’t just found in dogs—any warm-blooded animal, including cats, monkeys, raccoons, and even bats, can spread the virus.

Symptoms of Rabies

Rabies symptoms don’t appear straight away. It can take weeks or even months after being bitten or scratched for signs to show up. Early symptoms might feel a bit like the flu—fever, headache, and feeling tired.

As the disease progresses, more serious symptoms appear. These can include muscle spasms, confusion, trouble swallowing, and a fear of water (called hydrophobia). Sadly, once these symptoms start, rabies is almost always fatal.

The key to staying safe is acting fast. If you’re ever bitten or scratched by an animal in a high-risk area, wash the wound with soap and water immediately and seek medical help. If you’ve been vaccinated, you’ll need fewer doses of the follow-up treatment. If you haven’t been vaccinated, treatment is still possible but more complicated.

How Long Does the Rabies Vaccine Last?

The rabies vaccine is brilliant at protecting you, but it’s not a once-and-done deal. The length of time it lasts depends on whether you’ve had a full course of pre-exposure vaccines and your level of risk.

If you’ve had the full course of three pre-exposure rabies vaccines, protection can last for up to three years. However, if you’re regularly at risk—for example, working with animals or travelling to high-risk areas—you might need a booster shot after one or two years.

The vaccine doesn’t provide lifetime protection, so it’s important to keep track of when you had your last dose. If you’re planning another trip or work where there’s a risk of rabies, check with your doctor or pharmacist to see if you need a booster.

Types of Rabies Vaccines

There are two main types of rabies vaccines:

Pre-Exposure Vaccines: These are given before you’re exposed to the virus. It’s a course of three injections over a few weeks. This is ideal for people who are planning to travel to high-risk areas, work with animals, or just want peace of mind.

Post-Exposure Vaccines: If you’ve been bitten or scratched by an animal, these vaccines are given straight away. If you’ve already had the pre-exposure vaccine, you’ll need fewer doses of the post-exposure vaccine. If you haven’t had the pre-exposure vaccine, the treatment is more intense, often involving both vaccines and a special injection called rabies immunoglobulin.

Both vaccines are very effective when given correctly. Your doctor or pharmacist can help you decide which one you need.

Do I Need a Rabies Vaccine Booster?

If it’s been a while since your last rabies vaccine and you’re planning to travel or work in a high-risk area, you might need a booster. For most people, a booster is recommended every three years if they’re at risk.

However, some people might need boosters more often. For example, if you work as a vet, animal handler, or researcher dealing with bats or other animals, you might need to check your antibody levels every year or two and get a booster if they’re low.

Even if you’re not sure when you had your last vaccine, it’s better to ask your doctor or pharmacist. Staying protected is easy and could save your life.

Rabies Vaccine Near Me

If you’re looking for a place to get your rabies vaccine, South Ealing Pharmacy has got you covered. Whether you need a pre-exposure vaccine before a trip or just want advice about boosters, we’re here to help.

Click here to book your rabies vaccine at South Ealing Pharmacy today